not-for-profit fashion brand
| not-for-profit fashion brand |
upskill for zero waste futures
Weekly craft workshops for women local to Waltham Forest. Facilitated at Leyton Green Studios. We share skills, learn about sustainable fashion, the power of making stuff, zero waste and upcycling.
We are providing a non-judmental environment, where we learn from each other and practice kindness and inclusiveness.
Weekly craft workshops for women local to Waltham Forest. Facilitated at Leyton Green Studios. We share skills, learn about sustainable fashion, the power of making stuff, zero waste and upcycling.
We are providing a non-judmental environment, where we learn from each other and practice kindness and inclusiveness.
"A safe space to learn crafts
and meet likeminded people."
Upcoming Events
02 Sept, 09:30 – 21 Oct, 12:30London, 778 High Rd Leyton, London E10 6AE, UKLearn how sew, beginners welcome. In 8 weeks every Thursday morning you will learn how to make a reversible children's coat for your own/a child.
07 Sept, 09:30 – 07 Dec, 12:30Arbeit Studios Leyton Green, 778 High Rd Leyton, London E10 6AE, UKLearn how to design and embroider a T-Shirt, as well as documenting your making process and selling online in 8 mornings from July to the end of September.
08 Oct, 09:30 – 22 Oct, 12:30London, 778 High Rd Leyton, London E10 6AE, UKLearn how to Upcycle old shirts into a patchwork tunic top. You will learn how to measure yourself and make a top for yourself. Please bring old shirts from home if you have any, I will provide some as well. Unleash your creativity and learn to Upcycle.
"I can breath, it is so good to take time out for myself."
These workshops were part funded by Founation For Future London.
"I have been waiting to come here all week."
Find out more